- VINFAST: ‘North Carolina’s future is bright’RALEIGH (April 20, 2022) – North Carolina has longed for an auto plant for decades. Now, with Vietnamese electric automaker VinFast’s announced investment of more than $4 billion in a plant ...Read more
- MerleFest 101: Music. Moments. Memories.WILKESBORO (April 14, 2022) – It all started with the campus gardens. And oh, how it’s blossomed. What started in 1988 as a one-time fundraiser for campus landscaping at Wilkes Community ...Read more
- MerleFest: $12 million shot in the arm for NW NCWILKESBORO (April 14, 2022) – Community colleges benefit their communities in all sorts of ways. But for the past 34 years, MerleFest has benefited Wilkes County and surrounding communities in ...Read more
- BOG: Inflation bites UNC campusesCULLOWHEE (April 7, 2022) – We’re all feeling the bite of inflation.1 Our universities are, too. And despite a state budget that granted 5% raises over two years to university employees ...Read more
- Cooper: ‘Govern it lightly and wisely’CHAPEL HILL (April 7, 2022) – A certain two-time graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill says it’s time to take another look at how the University is governed. “This hallowed place was built ...Read more
- Stith: Invest in our faculty and staffRALEIGH (March 30, 2022) – It’s shameful. North Carolina’s community colleges are a linchpin of economic development and social mobility in our state. Yet what we pay instructors at those colleges ...Read more
- Carolina named top public university in the South(CHAPEL HILL) March 25, 2022 – The rest of the media didn’t seem to notice, but the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was recently ranked the top public ...Read more
- Linda Garrou: ‘A woman who lived for others’WINSTON-SALEM (March 25, 2022) – Linda Garrou was one of the boys. But then again, she wasn’t. Garrou, who died suddenly last week at 79,1 was first and foremost an advocate ...Read more
- ‘SO FAR’: HEW’s Debra Rezeli and husband Jeff tackle Mountains-to-Sea TrailRALEIGH – In this beautiful short film, Debra Rezeli, Higher Ed Works’ Engagement Director, and her husband Jeff hike, paddle and bike the 1,175-mile Mountains-to-Sea Trail across North Carolina. Watch film ...Read more
- Community college: Critical path to NC StateRALEIGH (March 23, 2022) – NC State University Chancellor Randy Woodson knows the importance of community colleges – the state’s 58 colleges send NC State about 1,000 students a year. “Community ...Read more