- Video: Superintendent Mark Byrd – Support Wilkes County StudentsMark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, shares his thoughts on what more needs to be done to support students who want to attend community colleges to get their postsecondary credentials.Read more
- Spellings: “Power up” on financial aidCHAPEL HILL – The UNC System’s strategic plan aims to get more rural, low-income, minority and first-generation students to earn a college degree or credential. But one of the most powerful ...Read more
- Get an ECSU aviation degree – even from a submarineELIZABETH CITY – When it comes to meeting students where they are, not many institutions go as deep as Elizabeth City State University. Elizabeth City is within 50 miles of the ...Read more
- Elizabeth City State turns the cornerELIZABETH CITY – Things are looking up at Elizabeth City State University. Over a six-year period from 2010 to 2016, the small HBCU in Northeastern North Carolina saw enrollment fall from ...Read more
- ECSU Aviation Science: A worldwide shortage of pilotsELIZABETH CITY – Aviation science is complex. But for Elizabeth City State University Chancellor Thomas Conway, the economics of aviation are a matter of simple supply and demand. “The aviation business ...Read more
- Video: Superintendent Mark Byrd – Community College and K-12 RelationshipIn this video Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, explains how the relationship between Wilkes Community College and Wilkes County K-12 Schools is a model for the rest of the ...Read more
- Spellings: ‘Pleased but not satisfied’CHARLOTTE – North Carolina has built one of the finest university systems in the nation, University of North Carolina System President Margaret Spellings said Monday. But it can be better. “As I ...Read more
- myFutureNC Raleigh listening session March 22RALEIGH – Educational attainment is critical to North Carolina’s continued economic growth. To earn a family-sustaining wage in today’s economy, North Carolinians need some postsecondary education—whether that’s a 4-year degree, an ...Read more
- Strong support for raising NC teacher payHIGH POINT – A poll released last week revealed overwhelming support among Democratic, Republican and unaffiliated North Carolinians for raising public school teacher pay to the national average. So if it’s ...Read more
- Video: Superintendent Mark Byrd – Less Interest in Teaching CareersIn this video Mark Byrd, Superintendent, Wilkes County Schools, gives his perspective on why more people don’t pursue teaching careers. Pay is not the only factor.Read more