- Graduate from FSU in one year – at 18?FAYETTEVILLE – Chancellor James Anderson wants more students like Mikayla Raines and more faculty members like Dr. Carole Weatherford. Anderson likes to highlight exceptional students and faculty at Fayetteville State University. In ...Read more
- Why We Need Federal Funding of Social Science ResearchBy Jeff Braden Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences NC State University President Trump’s budget proposes to dramatically reduce or altogether eliminate federal funding for social science research, primarily through cuts to ...Read more
- Fayetteville State: Thinking way beyond traditional missionFAYETTEVILLE – Fayetteville State University is stepping it up. “We’ve been able to wed our great historical legacy and our tradition and our founding values with what we know we need to ...Read more
- Signature online programs at FSUFAYETTEVILLE – Chancellor James Anderson is intent on building Fayetteville State University’s academic reputation. And perhaps because it has a significant number of military students seeking new ways to access an education, ...Read more
- FSU and the military: A growing relationshipFAYETTEVILLE – When the world’s biggest military base is just a mile away, it’s bound to play a role at a local university. And Fayetteville State University continues to build its relationship ...Read more
- The good and bad of the 2017-19 state budgetRALEIGH (June 28, 2017) – Today the NC General Assembly overrode Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the 2017-19 state budget that legislators approved last week. To be sure, there are things ...Read more
- NC budget: Positive short-term, threatening long-termRALEIGH (June 22, 2017) – At first glance, the budget compromise unveiled this week by legislative leaders seems encouraging. It would grant K-12 public school teachers an average raise of 3.3% ...Read more
- Making this a better world at UNC AshevilleASHEVILLE – There’s a reason The Princeton Review ranked UNC Asheville as the No. 1 school in the country last year for “Making an Impact.” “Students here take it seriously,” Chancellor Mary ...Read more
- “Creative collision” in Mechatronics, STEAM StudioASHEVILLE – UNC Asheville is the only institution in the University of North Carolina System that offers Mechatronics Engineering, which combines the disciplines of engineering and computer science with design, ...Read more
- State budget proposals: Still not enoughRALEIGH (June 7, 2017) – When it comes to higher education in North Carolina, budget proposals adopted in recent weeks by the NC Senate and NC House both have their ...Read more