- McCOLL: “University graduates have built the state.”CHARLOTTE – The man who built Bank of America came to North Carolina for its university – and he says it’s our responsibility to make sure others get the same ...Read more
- ECSU Chancellor: Train students to create jobs, not just fill them^ PHOTO ABOVE: Elizabeth City State University Chancellor Thomas Conway with UNC President Margaret Spellings as she visits ECSU’s aviation program. ELIZABETH CITY – Thomas Conway took over as Chancellor of ...Read more
- “High tech/high touch” at WSSUWINSTON-SALEM – Dr. Manjunatha Bhat teaches anatomy and physiology by what he calls “high tech and high touch.” With classes of as many as 100 students, technology must play a ...Read more
- NCGAP: Right problem, wrong solution“Right problem, wrong solution.” That’s how University of North Carolina System President Margaret Spellings sums up NCGAP, the legislature’s program to force a percentage of public university applicants to enroll in ...Read more
- UNCG professor sees a Digital ZenGREENSBORO – Religion, we all know, is a touchy subject – but imagine how challenging it is to teach religion in a world that is both increasingly polarized and increasingly ...Read more
- HB2 tarnishes our brandNorth Carolina, its institutions of higher education and its communities have just seen their brand tarnished. HB2, the new law that requires LGBT folks to use the restroom of the sex ...Read more
- Learning how bees talk at UNC CharlotteCHARLOTTE – At a time when honey bees are in serious – and mysterious – decline, Dr. Stanley Schneider and his students are figuring out how the bees talk. Schneider, a ...Read more
- New Community College President a man of many hatsRALEIGH – Dr. James “Jimmie” Williamson has worn quite an assortment of hats – and he might need them all when he becomes President of the NC Community College System ...Read more
- ‘Flocking’ to organic chemistry?WILMINGTON – Who loves organic chemistry? Dr. Sridhar Varadarajan’s students at UNC Wilmington do. “The students flock to his courses and love his lectures,” writes one colleague. “This is the more remarkable ...Read more
- NCGAP: You’re in, but you’re notThe General Assembly needs to defer its deferred admissions program. In a provision tucked into the state budget last year, legislators declared that 6-year graduation rates at our state’s public universities ...Read more