- Teachers Talk: ‘We deserve a livable wage’CONCORD (April 4, 2024) – To Natalia Mejia, teachers should be treated like the professionals they are. In the latest installment of our Teachers Talk series, the ESL teacher at C.C. ...Read more
- Brad Wilson: A workforce pipelineRALEIGH (April 4, 2024) – If you don’t see a connection between investment in public education and North Carolina’s economy, take it from someone who has. “Public education is critically important ...Read more
- Legislative epiphany: Teacher pay hasn’t kept upRALEIGH (March 28, 2024) – A state House committee acknowledged this week what was painfully clear even two years ago: North Carolina’s pay for teachers hasn’t kept up with inflation. The ...Read more
- The Assembly: Decades After a Scandal, North Carolina Places a Big BetThis story was first published by The Assembly, a statewide digital magazine in North Carolina. UNC System President Bill Friday scaled back basketball after players shaved points. Now a gambling executive ...Read more
- UNC-CH chancellor search launchesCHAPEL HILL (March 23, 2024) – Here we go: The search “advisory” committee for a new chancellor at UNC Chapel Hill met for the first time Thursday under a policy ...Read more
- Some March Madness mathBy David Rice Executive Director, Public Ed Works WINCHESTER, Va. (March 23, 2024) – The following is an exchange this week between my high school English teacher and my high school math ...Read more
- Thorp and Goldstein: To rebuild public confidence, focus on teachingBy Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein CHAPEL HILL (March 13, 2024) – Much has been written about how confidence in higher education has plummeted. As devastating as they are, the surveys ...Read more
- The Career Arts: Making the Most of College, Credential, and ConnectionsBy Eric Johnson CHAPEL HILL (March 13, 2024) – Despite the ivory tower stereotype, American universities are marked by their embrace of pragmatic education. We’re the country that invented land-grant colleges devoted ...Read more
- ‘A teacher pay mess in North Carolina’KERNERSVILLE (March 6, 2024) – Stephanie Wallace is one masterful teacher. Wallace, who teaches English and Teacher Cadets at East Forsyth High School, has an amazing 180 former students who are ...Read more
- The imperative of a sound basic educationBy Deanna Townsend-Smith, Ed.D. RALEIGH (March 6, 2024) – Black History Month was an opportunity to reflect on the past and to imagine the possibility and benefits of maintaining a diverse society. It ...Read more