- “Sticker girl”: The impact of ECU entrepreneursBy Leslie Boney AYDEN (September 7, 2023) – Taylor Walden didn’t come to East Carolina University expecting to become an entrepreneur. Her family wanted her to go into health care, maybe ...Read more
- “We need to find a solution”: The impact of ECU researchBy Leslie Boney GREENVILLE (September 7, 2023) – Dr. Rukiyah Van Dross-Anderson has made a discovery that could stop skin cancer in its tracks. The molecule she is developing in her lab ...Read more
- “Lot of purple and gold here”: The impact of ECU’s rural docsBy Leslie Boney KENANSVILLE (September 7, 2023) – You could say Jon Kornegay was born to be a rural doctor. His father was a physician in a small town in Duplin ...Read more
- Voter411 fills a void of info about Eastern NC candidatesBy Cindy Elmore, Ph.D. GREENVILLE (September 7, 2023) – Every fall semester, I put Election Day on my syllabus calendar. Students always eagerly hope this means class is cancelled that day. It ...Read more
- Teachers in perilCHAPEL HILL (August 31, 2023) – If the killing of a professor by one of his students Monday at UNC-Chapel Hill tells us nothing else, it tells us how treacherous ...Read more
- Why do we let our General Assembly dismantle public education?By John Tate III CHARLOTTE (August 23, 2023) – Why do we let our General Assembly dismantle K-12 public education as we have known it, to the detriment of our community’s ...Read more
- N.C. A&T: Almost $150M in sponsored researchGREENSBORO (August 23, 2023) – Less than two weeks after it announced it makes a $2.4 billion economic impact on North Carolina’s economy, N.C. A&T State University announced it has ...Read more
- TardyRALEIGH (August 16, 2023) – Here we go again. A year ago, North Carolina students – our most precious resource – started school with 5,000 teacher positions vacant across the state. A ...Read more
- Exodus from Chapel Hill?CHAPEL HILL (August 10, 2023) – Faculty are the heart of any university. But what has politicization cost UNC-Chapel Hill? Though not all of these faculty members cited university governance as ...Read more
- N.C. A&T: $2.4B annual economic impactGREENSBORO (August 10, 2023) – N.C. A&T State University has an annual economic impact of $2.4 billion in North Carolina, supporting 17,337 jobs, according to a study released today. The study, ...Read more