- History of UNC governance: ‘Lot of cooks in the kitchen’By D.G. MARTIN Former UNC System President Margaret Spellings spoke for many North Carolinians concerned about the state’s public multi-campus university when she questioned, “You know, are we organized for success? “So ...Read more
- Roper: ‘Just get the budget done’CHAPEL HILL – Legislative leaders and Gov. Roy Cooper think they’re scoring political points in their standoff over the 2019-21 state budget, which still hasn’t been adopted more than six ...Read more
- A challenge for every county in NE NCCOLUMBIA, N.C. – David Clegg paints a vivid picture of the lengths to which rural students go just to do their homework. It’s not unusual, County Manager Clegg says in the ...Read more
- Higher Ed Works launches Routes to Jobs NCWASHINGTON, N.C. – Sometimes in less-prosperous parts of North Carolina, people want more for themselves. But they’re not always sure about the path to a better future. Routes to Jobs North ...Read more
- Find flexibility with UNCG OnlineGREENSBORO – Whether they’re juggling the demands of a job, caring for children or caring for parents, nontraditional students can find it hard to make it to a university campus. So ...Read more
- UNCG Online: Immediate ROI in the workplaceGREENSBORO – Students in at least one online program at UNC Greensboro don’t have to wait for their degree to put their new skills to work. They can do it ...Read more
- Hopes for 2020There’s so much to hope for in 2020…. We hope that: The Governor and the NC General Assembly finally agree on a 2019-21 state budget. As part of that budget, retroactive raises ...Read more
- 2019: The turmoil continuesTurmoil continued through 2019 among the leadership of individual UNC campuses and the UNC System itself. A new state budget for 2019-21 still hasn’t been adopted; raises for K-12 teachers ...Read more
- Guskiewicz: Researcher, listener, conciliatorCHAPEL HILL – When he named Kevin Guskiewicz as Chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill last week, UNC System Interim President Bill Roper named a nationally ...Read more
- Guskiewicz shares concerns about Silent Sam settlementAfter listening to faculty and students, then-Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz of UNC-Chapel Hill sent the following letter to UNC Interim President Bill Roper and UNC Board of Governors Chair Randy ...Read more