- Separate yet closer than ever: Advising in the midst of a pandemicRayana SwansonJames B. Hunt High SchoolWilson County Schools Krissia PocasangreNorth Rowan High School and Salisbury High SchoolRowan-Salisbury School System Tabitha DeanSouth Stokes High SchoolStokes County Schools Ana GuerreroWest Mecklenburg High SchoolCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Emma Kroll-SmithCaldwell ...Read more
- UNC System freezes tuition for 2020-21CHAPEL HILL (May 20, 2020) – The UNC System’s governing board voted Wednesday to freeze tuition and fees at North Carolina’s 16 public universities for 2020-21. Because state law locks tuition ...Read more
- BOG talks sanctions for rogue members; Fetzer resignsCHAPEL HILL (May 20, 2020) – After scandals involving trustees who tried to influence a student election and a member who conducted his own investigations of a job candidate and ...Read more
- Susan Cates: COVID-19 crisis offers an education opportunityBy Susan Cates When thoughtfully planned, technology-enhanced learning can improve the educational experience for students and faculty and lower total costs across the system. Although this spring’s emergency response left no ...Read more
- No interruption: 700 laptops for FSU freshmenFAYETTEVILLE – A thoughtful donor made a timely gift last week to Fayetteville State University’s Class of 2024: Laptop computers for all incoming freshmen next fall. It will mark the first ...Read more
- Tony Rand: Nothing is more importantCHAPEL HILL – Shortly after Tom Ross was named President of the University of North Carolina System in 2011, he got a call from former NC Senate Majority Leader Tony ...Read more
- Two talented SusansWINSTON-SALEM – It’s thrilling to recruit great talent. It also hurts to lose it. The UNC School of the Arts, an under-appreciated gem in the UNC System, had such experiences in ...Read more
- The UNC System’s challenges and opportunitiesCHAPEL HILL – Randy Ramsey doesn’t shy away from discussing the challenges facing the University of North Carolina System. “There are a lot of challenges facing the System,” the Chair of ...Read more
- Ramsey: Calm and directCHAPEL HILL – Randy Ramsey openly acknowledges there’s been strife on the UNC Board of Governors. But the Chair of the 24-person board says every member wants what’s best for the ...Read more
- Ramsey: Most important decision of the decadeUNC System InterimPresident Bill Roper CHAPEL HILL – The search for a new UNC System president has been delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, officials said last week. But a practiced ...Read more