- Reading: Not just about college. “It’s about life.”CHAPEL HILL (Sept. 3, 2020) – The ability to read by third grade is viewed as critical to college readiness. Through third grade, students learn to read, the saying goes, ...Read more
- Advice for parents in a pandemicParents are worried. If their young child is confined to learning from home during the coronavirus pandemic, they worry about what that child is missing without in-person, structured reading instruction. But ...Read more
- Special needs for higher ed in a pandemicRALEIGH (Sept. 2, 2020) – If the last three weeks tell us anything about higher education amid a pandemic, it’s that institutions must be nimble. UNC Chapel Hill, NC State and ...Read more
- Goldstein: Lessons learned from UNC’s failed reopeningBy Buck Goldstein When I wrote earlier that the fall semester at Chapel Hill would be a test case for broader reopening in society, this isn’t quite what I had in ...Read more
- Schools seek state’s help to deal with COVID-19RALEIGH (Aug. 25, 2020) – Fluid situations demand flexible funds. That’s what state education leaders asked of a state House committee this week as they sought $350 million to deal with ...Read more
- College grads: Help at the polls!We often hear that college graduates show greater civic engagement.1 Well they have an opportunity to do just that approaching. Across North Carolina and beyond, local election boards are viewing this ...Read more
- Guskiewicz: Coping for today, but building for tomorrowEDITOR’S NOTE: After months of preparing to return to campus, UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz made a wrenching decision this week to shift the University back to remote instruction. With ...Read more
- Rimer: Time to take the off-rampWho makes decisions? Decision-making about whether to reopen a UNC System campus to residential students, especially students in dorms, is a complicated multi-layered process. Whatever choice is made, a good many constituents ...Read more
- Third-grade reading: “Don’t give up…. Fix it”RALEIGH (Aug. 13, 2020) – Even before the coronavirus pandemic, North Carolina was struggling to improve students’ ability to read by third grade – a vital precursor to college readiness. And ...Read more
- Welcome to 2030RALEIGH (Aug. 13, 2020) – Welcome to 2030. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated change in North Carolina workplaces to where it would have been in 2030 without the pandemic, NC State ...Read more