- Guskiewicz: Faculty ‘solving the grand challenges of our time’CHAPEL HILL – Viruses are Carolina’s thing. Whether it’s pioneering work in HIV by Dr. Mike Cohen or development of the drug remdesivir by Dr. Ralph Baric to treat COVID-19, the university has ...Read more
- Recent grads urge students to ‘Embrace the Weirdness’CHAPEL HILL – Three recent graduates of UNC System schools urge students to “Embrace the Weirdness” and abide by community standard during the pandemic in a lively video produced as ...Read more
- Why bother with a search if outcome is decided?CHAPEL HILL – Why bother with a search if the outcome is predetermined? A proposed change in the rules for chancellor searches that’s before the UNC Board of Governors would direct ...Read more
- Excerpts: Funding NC Public Education Through the PandemicRALEIGH (July 29, 2020) – Funding for public education in North Carolina can be uncertain even in good times. Now try it in the midst of a global pandemic. In the following ...Read more
- BOG: Change to chancellor searches, no tuition refundsCHAPEL HILL (July 24, 2020) – The UNC System Board of Governors declared yesterday that there will be no refunds of student tuition and fees if university classes must shift ...Read more
- ‘A culture of expectation’ at Elizabeth City StateELIZABETH CITY – For Elizabeth City State University Chancellor Karrie G. Dixon, reopening campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic boils down to holding yourself and those around you accountable for doing ...Read more
- ECSU drones to help fight COVID-19 in rural NCELIZABETH CITY – Elizabeth City State University has a tool not many schools have to combat the spread of COVID-19: Its own air force. Situated just 2 miles from the largest ...Read more
- Attacking systemic racism in higher educationBy James H. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D., and Donna-Marie Winn, Ph.D. CHAPEL HILL – In a previous essay, I shared personal experiences to give White colleagues examples of how systemic racism is ...Read more
- How to expand Black faculty accessBy James H. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D., and Donna-Marie Winn, Ph.D. CHAPEL HILL – The previous two essays in this series offered personal reflections on systemic racism in higher education and recommendations ...Read more
- Reflections on systemic racism in higher educationBy James H. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D. CHAPEL HILL – Several of my White friends and colleagues have asked me recently what changes are required to address systemic racism in higher education ...Read more